1. Does the Publisher use cookies?

When you visit our site, information relating to the navigation of your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) may be recorded in files called “cookies”, deposited on your terminal, subject to the choices you have expressed concerning cookies and which you can change at any time.


1. What is a cookie?

The term “cookie” encompasses several technologies used to track the browsing habits or behavior of the Internet user. These technologies are multiple. There are in particular cookies, tags, pixels, javascript code, etc.

Cookies are small text files that are recorded by the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone, which allow to keep user data in order to facilitate navigation and allow certain features.


1. What are cookies and trackers used for?

The cookies that the Publisher issues on the site allow us:

  • to establish statistics and volumes of attendance and use of the various elements comprising our services ;
    adapt the presentation of our site according to the terminal used;
  • to adapt the presentation of our site according to the affinities of each user;
  • to memorize information relating to a form that you have filled in on our site;
  • to allow you to access reserved and personal spaces on our site, such as your account thanks to your identifiers;
  • to implement security measures;
  • to adapt our offer to your navigation on our site and possibly to submit product recommendations to you
  • to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces according to the personal data you have provided us.

1. Do all cookies work the same way?

There are differences between cookies, in terms of function, duration and the party setting the cookie.


1. The different cookies according to their function:

A technical cookie is strictly necessary in order to ensure, for the benefit of Internet users, the proper functioning of a website and certain functions (on a technical level). For example, it is necessary to ensure access to protected parts of a website. Without this type of cookie, certain services (such as login, shopping cart and electronic payment) cannot function.

An analytics cookie collects information about how a visitor uses a website, such as which page is visited the most and which page displays error messages. The purpose of this type of cookie is to provide information to the website provider about how the website is working and how it can be improved. This cookie also improves the usability for visitors.

A functional cookie is used to remember choices made by the user, such as currency, language or region. Thus, the user does not have to systematically indicate his or her elements and preferences. In this way, the functional cookie improves the usability of the site for visitors.

An advertising cookie is used to provide website visitors with the most relevant advertisements, to ensure that the site does not consistently show the same advertisements to them, and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They are usually installed by advertising networks with the permission of the website operator. They record all visits to a website.


1. The different cookies according to their duration

A session cookie is installed on the visitor’s computer and collects data for as long as the visitor actually visits the website in question. This cookie is deleted when you close your browser.

A persistent or permanent cookie is installed on the visitor’s computer for a specific (extended) period of time.


1. The different cookies according to the installing party:

A direct or original cookie (first party cookie) is a cookie that is linked to the website visited at that moment by the Internet user.

A third party cookie is a cookie that is placed by another party. This includes, for example, advertisers and (external) application providers whose advertisement or application is integrated into the website visited.


1. How to express my choices?

In accordance with Directive 2002/58/EC of July 12, 2002, the Publisher collects your prior consent to the deposit of advertising cookies.

You can set your browser to indicate whether you accept cookies, and if so, which ones.

The configuration of each browser is different. It is usually described in the help menu of your browser. This will tell you how to change your cookie wishes.
For Internet Explorer™:
For Safari™:
For Chrome™:
For Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies
For Opera™:


Please keep in mind that if you reject certain cookies, you may not be able to use some or all of the features on our website.